
Medicum –
journey to
better health
Medicum is the largest healthcare institution in Estonia providing outpatient general and specialised medical care. We create synergy between family medicine, independent nursing services, specialiced medical care, rehabilitation, as well as diagnostics and laboratory analysis services.
years of experience
As a resilient and sustainable organisation,
we create a healthier community.
We apply our purpose and expertise for the benefit of those who have entrusted us with their health.
Operating under Medicum brand:
- Aktsiaselts Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
- Medicum Perearstikeskus AS
- OÜ Medicum Taastusravi
- OÜ Medicum Dental
- OÜ Koduõde
What is the driving force behind our purpose?
That something which inspires us each day?
Even during holidays.
On days off.
Is it the desire to help another person? Someone in distress.
To see relief and gratitude in their eyes.
Is it the determination to extend someone’s lifespan? Or at least add years lived meaningfully.
The desire to fight unpredictability and inevitability. To prove that thanks to science, we are tougher than fate.
From all this purpose and dedication, we have built a fortress,
where one can come with the slightest health concern and leave with peace of mind.
Medicum – journey to better health.
Our values
Safety above all else! We use evidence-based treatment methods and tools. We equally prioritise the safety of patients and our staff. We avoid unnecessary medications and procedures.
We invest in our knowledge and skills and use the most modern technologies. We collaborate and take responsibility. We create and maintain valuable traditions.
Human centric
Human first. We are open and discreet in our communication, providing assistance with dignity.
We are knowledgeable and continuously update ourselves in our field of expertise. We prioritise the effectiveness of our activities and strive to give our best.
Kalev Karu
nõukogu esimeesAS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
Sander Kaus
nõukogu liigeAS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
Taavet Vool
nõukogu liigeAS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
Jaanus Vool
nõukogu liigeAS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
Our story
- 2022
- Medicum Tervishoiuteenused OÜ is the highest profit earning private clinic.
- 2022
- The development of new medical record software 'Medis' started at Briveras OÜ.
- 2022
- Rehabilitation was demerged, OÜ Medicum Taastusravi was created.
- 2017
- Renaming to AS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused
- 2007
- Renaming to AS Medicum
- 2002
- Koduõde OÜ was aquired.
- 2000
- Medicum Perearstikeskus AS was created.
- 1999
- The health centre was privatised.
- 1999
- Renaming to AS Lasnamäe Tervisekeskus
- 1986
- Beginning as the Lasnamäe Polyclinic of Tallinn City.
Satisfaction studies (in Estonian)
- Patsientide rahulolu Medicum Perearstikeskusega 2022 aastal
- Patsientide rahulolu koduõenduse teenusega 2020
- AS Medicum Tervishoiuteenused eriarstiabi patsientide rahulolu-uuring 2019
- OÜ Medicum Dental patsientide rahulolu-uuring 2018
- Aktsiaselts Medicum Tervishoiuteenused patsientide rahulolu-uuring 2018
- OÜ Koduõde patsiendi rahulolu-uuring 2018
- Medicum Perearstikeskus AS patsiendi rahulolu-uuring 2018
- Medicumi patsientide rahulolu eriarstide külastustega 2015
- Medicum Perearstikeskus AS patsiendi rahulolu-uuring 2014
- OÜ Medicum Dental patsiendi rahulolu-uuring 2016